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Age Requirement: Adult
Prerequisites: None
Steps: 3

Smeak isn't here anymore, but maybe there is some way to get some of that good stuff still...?

Reward: Soup
Cooldown: Once a month per staxie

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Smeak's Soup
Nearly tripping on several stumps as you run towards the exit, you fling the doors open and look around furiously outside. Last you saw, he was on the western side of the building, so you run alongside the wall and round the corner of the Stumphouse.
Your heart falls for a second as you see-- nothing.

No, you know what you saw, WHO you saw.
Adrenaline kicks in once more as you see him peek around the corner of the building furthest from you-- he's at the south wall!
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Smeak: Hurry.
You heed Smeak's words and break into a sprint once more. As you begin to move, he ducks behind the wall once more.

Shit! No, you can't lose him again!
(At least if you catch him, no one will think you're insane for doing all this.
You finally reach the corner and throw your weight to your left as you round it. Contrary to what you expected, you see him on the beach in the distance, several hundred yards from the Stumphouse. He's digging at the sand, ignoring you. Oddly, everyone around him seems to be oblivious to his presence.
Short on breath now, you begin to run towards him again, eyes locked on the staxie in case he dares to run again.
  • Draw a Polished Piece using this dialogue as a guide! Be creative, your interpretation can be flexible! There is no one-way to complete a quest.

  • Submit your finished piece to our Quest Gallery on deviantART!

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Your quest image must include Smeak AND another staxie somewhere! [the staxie can be another one of yours, another member's, or an NPC!]

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