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Age Requirement: Adult
Prerequisites: None
Steps: 3

Smeak isn't here anymore, but maybe there is some way to get some of that good stuff still...?

Reward: Soup
Cooldown: Once a month per staxie

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Smeak's Soup
You run as fast as your achy legs will take you.
You watch as Smeak begins to fill the hole he just made with sand, he then begins to scratch into the sand with a single finger.

Your brain isn't in the best state for thinking, so you just continue to run.
As you begin to hastily approach, other staxies look at you with surprise and maybe even fear. Less than 10 yards away, Smeak looks at you, then backflips into the water behind him.

You audibly yell "NO!" as you stumble to a standstill and flop onto the sand to catch your breath.
Staxies around you continue to stare, although you couldn't care less. You're tired and grumpy now.

Once you gather your breath, you get back to your feet and walk the last few yards to the pile of sand that Smeak left for you. 
The sand pile is very real, so at least you can be confident that you weren't hallucinating. You look down at the sand and tilt your head... a picture?
He drew in the sand? You scratch at your head and try to make sense of what you're seeing:
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This... means nothing to you.

You destroy the beautiful artwork by digging into the mount, and... what do you know!
About a foot deep, you find... a bowl of soup that has been filled with sand, so, more like a bowl with some really damp sand inside.

If you decide to drink it for some Depthforsaken reason,
you get Long Ears! Yay??
  • Draw a Polished Piece using this dialogue as a guide! Be creative, your interpretation can be flexible! There is no one-way to complete a quest.

  • Submit your finished piece to our Quest Gallery on deviantART!

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You've reached the end of this quest, congratulations! Your rewards can be found on the left!

Long Snout

Can be applied to the adult staxie that completed the quest "Smeak's Soup" in March!

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