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Age Requirement: Adult
Prerequisites: None
Steps: 3

Smeak isn't here anymore, but maybe there is some way to get some of that good stuff still...?

Reward: Soup
Cooldown: Once a month per staxie

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Smeak's Soup
This time, you've got the perfect plan.
You've accounted for all possible contingencies and you're ready to spring into action.

You take a deep breath and focus your mind, placing your hand on the doorknob to the Stumphouse's School and shoving the door open.
You await Larimar's annoyed greeting as per usual, but are surprised to find the room completely empty. The chalkboard is blank, the desks are orderly and neat... the room is ready for class, yet there is nothing here.
You were prepared for... almost everything, but apparently not this.

With no NPC questgiver, you decide to quite while you're ahead and maybe try again tomorrow. You turn around and grab the door behind you, but freeze and do a double-take over your shoulder.

You swore you saw something move, something near the window.
Uneasy but curious, you quietly shuffle towards the window, peeking through the glass, but see nothing out of the ordinary.
You must be seeing things, you think, maybe you didn't get enough sleep last night... or maybe you're hungry?
You rack your brain for an explanation, frustrated and unnerved.
You place a hand on your forehead and look downward towards the window sill, but before you can even sigh our your anxieties, you see him.
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Smeak: Hi.
You almost scream, either in delight or in shock, maybe both!
You watch the staxie turn tail and run off, looking over his shoulder before he disappears out of your view from the window.

You twist on your feet and bolt for the door to chase after the staxie you've been looking for.
  • Draw a Polished Piece using this dialogue as a guide! Be creative, your interpretation can be flexible! There is no one-way to complete a quest.

  • Submit your finished piece to our Quest Gallery on deviantART!

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