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Age Requirement: Stump or Adult
Prerequisites: None
Steps: 2

Leutogi could use an extra hand with watching over the stumps. 

Reward: Potion?
Cooldown: Once per account per month.

You turn this place essentially upside down, all the while not alerting Leutogi to your absolute fuck up. You feel like you've looked everywhere, and your adrenaline high is fleeting.

You stop in the hallway to catch your breath and try to clear your thoughts. Where could they have even gone? If they went outside, then the Depth knows where they are now.

As your thoughts begin to spiral, you hear clattering in the closet a few feet away from you. The door is closed, so you slowly approach and peel the door back just enough so you can sneak a peek inside.
You: STUMP!!!
You shout, your voice a cocktail of anger and exhaustion but also relief.

You found them.

Thank the Depth.
​Stump looks at you, sitting in a box filled with glass vials.
You: How did you get in here?? And get out of that box, it's dangerous, you might touch some broken glass or something. Moomy doesn't like anyone in here.
Stump stares at you and slowly reaches for a glass vial behind them, they then extend it out towards you.

Having witnessed Smeak, you're familiar with what potions look like. A vibrant, almost glowing aquamarine.
Fizzy and refreshing.

This is the opposite.

It's a dark, moldy green color. It's thick, like syrup, it has... something settled on the bottom of the vial. It's just everything that a potion is not.
You: No, thank you, let's go.
​Stump surprisingly obliges, getting out of the box, vial still in hand. They force the vial into your hand, and then obediently walk out of the closet and wait for you.
They're an absolute blessing to look after for the rest of lunchtime, not a single misstep from them.

Leutogi calls the Stumphouse to lunch and approaches the two of you.
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Leutogi: Thank you so much for watching them. I hope they weren't too much trouble.
​You shake your head rapidly no. Stump seems to agree, shaking their head as well.
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Leutogi: Well, thank you again. I wish I had something to reward you with but I just don't right now. I'll remember this though!
She picks up Stump and plops them in the basket before walking off to supervise mealtime.

You look at the vial still in your hand and consider it... hm...
Quest Rules
  • Draw a Polished Piece using this dialogue as a guide! Be creative, your interpretation can be flexible! There is no one-way to complete a quest.

  • Submit your finished piece to our Quest Gallery on deviantART!

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Your image must include Stump somewhere!

You've reached the end of this quest, congratulations! Your rewards can be found on the left!

If you finished this quest... cool!
Oh, you want something? I mean, you could drink that thing that Stump gave you... maybe go to #stumpsitting in Discord for a reward?

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