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Marking Upgrades

• Staxies can have one marking applied at a time! (unless having Additional Marking or Unlimited Markings unlocked!)
• All markings are able to be multiple colors when applied, these colors must already be on your staxie.
• Markings CAN blend into placements.
• Markings can be slightly larger/smaller than the example images but not unreasonably so!
• Markings can go anywhere on your staxie except the eyes or inside the mouth.

1 spots.png

Spot Markings (Spots)
Reception is a little spotty.
Beans Required: 100

-Spots should NOT touch or overlap each other! (you're looking for Splotch Markings)

dash markings.png

Dash Markings (Dashes)
How dashing!
Beans Required: 100


Skink Markings (Skinks)
Uh oh.....skinky!
Beans Required: 200
Age Requirement: 2 months

-Can have 3 or 5 stripes running down the length of your staxies spine! (head to tail)

15 seeds.png

Seed Markings (Seeds)
Reap what you've sown
Beans Required: 200
Age Requirement: 2 months
Draw the staxie you want this upgrade for with an official plant!

14 triangle.png

Triangle Markings (Triangles)
Beans Required: 300
Age Requirement: 2 months
Draw the staxie you want this upgrade for getting or receiving a hug!

-Can be any of the options depicted above:
Outlines of triangles / Filled triangles / Outlines of triangles with a different color filling them in

8 boxy.png

Boxy Markings (Boxes)
Can I get a box?
Beans Required: 350
Age Requirement: 3 months
Draw the staxie you want this upgrade for sharing a secret! Oooh, I wonder what it is...

-Boxes can be rhombus or diamond shaped too!
Boxes can be any of the options shown above:
Outlines of boxes / Filled boxes / Outlines of boxes with a different color filling them in

9 borders.png

Contour Markings (Contours)
Just a trim? You look gorgeous!
Beans Required: 400
Age Requirement: 4 months
Draw the staxie you want this upgrade for visiting a friend OR having a visitor!

-Contour Markings can outline placements (as shown above) OR markings (formerly known as Edgy Markings)

2 stripes.png

Stripe Markings (Stripes)
Murder, Mayhem, and Madness
Beans Required: 100

3 banded.png

Banded Markings (Bands)
Red on yellow, kill a fellow. Red on black, venom lack.
Beans Required: 100

-Bands MUST form a complete "circle" around your staxie! (they should not stop/start randomly anywhere)

13 smudgey.png

Smudgy Markings (Smudgies)
His name is Smudge, he's from Ottawa and he hates salad.
Beans Required: 200
Age Requirement: 2 months

-Stripes, but wiggly!

5 chad.png

Chad Markings (Chads)
Beans Required: 300
Age Requirement: 2 months
Draw the staxie you want this upgrade for getting something out of a tree! A fruit, or a nut, or maybe a toy got stuck?

-Polygonal markings!

6 petals.png

Petal Markings (Petals)
Perfect for confessing to your dating sim crush.
Beans Required: 320
Age Requirement: 2 months
Draw the staxie you want this upgrade for using a tool of some sort! What're they doing?

-Should follow the general shape depicted above!

7 rings.png

Ring Markings (Rings)
Don't forget to like, comment and subscribe! RING that BELL!
Beans Required: 360
Age Requirement: 3 months
 Draw the staxie you want this upgrade for with a crub!

-Rings can have dots inside if you wish.

10 stitches.png

Stitch Markings (Stitches)
 I'm sorry I bit you... and pulled your hair... and punched you in the face...
Beans Required: 400
Age Requirement: 4 months
Draw the staxie you want this upgrade for giving or receiving first aid! Aw, what happened?

-Does not need to outline placements, but it can if you want!


Peeper Markings (Peepers)
Eye couldn't think of anything to put here.
Beans Required: 400
Age Requirement: 4 months
Draw the staxie you want this upgrade for with your eyes closed! The linework must be done with your eyes closed, then you can color it afterwards with your eyes open!

-Outlines of the eyes can be any color already on your staxie.
-Inside of the eyes can be the skin color(s) underneath OR any color already on your staxie.
-Eyelashes and pupils are required!

-The requirement does not need clean linework lol.

11 splotches.png

Splotchy Markings (Splotches)
He look like a moldy bread.
Beans Required: 425
Age Requirement: 4 months
 Draw the staxie you want this upgrade for making some art! Are they coloring, fingerpainting, sketching?

-Allows spots to overlap each other.
-This also allows for weird-shaped blobby placements!

18 hearts.png

Heart Markings (Hearts)
Now you can wear your heart on your sleeve, or anywhere else!
Beans Required: 450
Can ONLY be applied from January to June!

12 rosettes.png

Rosette Markings (Rosettes)
La Vie en Rosette
Beans Required: 500
Age Requirement: 5 months
Draw the staxie you want this upgrade for holding something in their mouth!

17 stars.png

Star Markings (Stars)
Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight
Beans Required: 450
Can ONLY be applied from July to December!

16 round tangles.png

Round-Tangle Markings (Round-Tangles)
Babyproofed Rectangles
Beans Required: 500
Age Requirement: 5 months
Draw the staxie you want this upgrade for in the Town Square!

-The drawing requirement should be obvious that they're in Town Square (ie some architecture), but this prompt can be up to your interpretation.

19 starmaps.png

Starmap Markings (Starmaps)
Starmaps were meant to fly!
Beans Required: 600
Age Requirement: 6 months
Draw a Polished Piece of the staxie you want this upgrade for stargazing!

-Reiterating, the drawing requirement must be a POLISHED PIECE.
-These markings are Rings or Spots connected by lines in any pattern of your choosing!

additional marking.png

Additional Marking
More marking? How?!
Beans Required: 250
Age Requirement: 2 months
The staxie you want this upgrade for must have 10 deviations of them submitted to the group!

-Must have fulfilled the requirements for BOTH markings you want to use.

-This upgrade only needs to be used ONCE and it unlocks an ADDITIONAL type of marking to put onto your staxie. (it does not need to be reapplied, you have permanently unlocked an additional marking slot.)

    -If your staxie was born with no markings, then this allows you to apply up to TWO types of markings.
    -If your staxie was born with two markings, then this allows you to apply up to THREE types of markings.
    -If your staxie was born with no markings but you used upgrade items to apply two types of markings, then this upgrade allows you to apply up to THREE types of markings.

-TLDR; this upgrade allows you to apply +1 type of marking to your staxie REGARDLESS of how many markings they had beforehand.

unlimited marking.png

Unlimited Markings
Go ham, I don't give a shit.
Beans Required: 500
Age Requirement: 5 months
The staxie you want this upgrade for must have 15 deviations of them submitted to the group!

-Must have fulfilled the requirements for ALL markings you want to use.
-Must follow the individual rules for EACH type of marking.
-As long as different types of markings aren't touching, I don't really care what you do.

Patch Upgrades

• Patches do not count as markings, meaning they do not count towards your 1st marking or 2nd additional marking. (Meaning, you can have ONE patch plus ONE marking, or ONE patch plus TWO markings if you have Additional Marking unlocked.)
• Each staxie can only have ONE patch applied at a time!
• Patches must be ONE color when applied. (this color must already be on your staxie)
• Patches must be placed on either the chest or back, they cannot be applied anywhere else.
• Patches can be flipped upside down if you wish.

• Chest patches sit on top of Belly Scutes and under Schnoppy Fluff / Full Mane
• Chest magic glands sit ON TOP of chest patches.

• Back patches sit on top of Shell / Dorsal Fin and under Ridgeback Mane / Back Spikes / Back Bumps. They sit in between wings. 
• Back patches are NOT compatible with Weem Fin.
• Back magic glands sit ON TOP of back patches.

1 star.gif

Star Patch
Way to go, Superstar!
Beans Required: 200

-Can ONLY be applied during the month of January!

4 butterfly.gif

Butterfly Patch
​Why did Pearl throw butter out the window?
Beans Required: 200

-Can ONLY be applied during the month of April!

7 shell.gif

Shell Patch
My patch from shell
Beans Required: 200

-Can ONLY be applied during the month of July!

10 skull.gif

Skull Patch
We don't know what staxie skulls look like yet.
Beans Required: 200

-Can ONLY be applied during the month of October!

2 heart.gif

Heart Patch
I love you, you love weem.
Beans Required: 200

-Can ONLY be applied during the month of February!

5 weemstone.gif

Weemstone Patch
Someweem likes you.
Beans Required: 200

-Can ONLY be applied during the month of May!
-This patch can be one solid color OR two colors as shown above!

8 flower.gif

Flower Patch
Contrary to its name, it's only one flower.
Beans Required: 200

-Can ONLY be applied during the month of August!

11 wisp.gif

Wisp Patch
Beans Required: 200

-Can ONLY be applied during the month of November!

3 clover.gif

Clover Patch
Not a four leaf but it'll do.
Beans Required: 200

-Can ONLY be applied during the month of March!

6 lightning.gif

Lightning Patch
No Harry Potter references.
Beans Required: 200

-Can ONLY be applied during the month of June!
-This patch can be flipped if you want your lightning bolt to face the other way.

9 crub'.gif

Crub Patch
Feeling crubby
Beans Required: 200

-Can ONLY be applied during the month of September!

12 staves.gif

Staves Patch
A reminder of your home!
Beans Required: 129

-Can ONLY be applied during the month of December!

remove reapply.png

Remove / Reapply an Upgrade
I hate every part of every of this.
Beans Required: 0
Draw you staxie at least 3 times with the upgrade you want to remove or reapply!

-This allows you to remove an upgrade you no longer want on your staxie OR change/move an upgrade around!
-When removing or reapplying an upgrade, make sure to clearly state you are removing/reapplying an upgrade and link the 3 deviations required.
-The upgrade does NOT need to be visible in the 3 images to remove it.
-The image where you first applied the upgrade CAN count as one of the 3 images needed tor remove it.
-This allows you to remove Markings around and move Patches from back to front, or vice versa.
-Injuries have unique rules in order to be removed and thus cannot be removed "normally" like other upgrades!


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