Character Transfer Guide
Welcome to the Character Transfer Guide! Character Transfers are often just called "Transfers" and will be referred to as such throughout this guide!
What is a Transfer?
Sometimes you put a lot of love, care, and time into a character. Perhaps you left an ARPG but don't want to have to "restart" them as an MYO.
Transfers are taking a pre-existing character and turning them into a playable staxie to use in Staves Rest.
A few caveats...
Before we go any further, I want to establish a few rules so that no one reads this guide only to be disappointed:
• Transfers are not free.
This is for two reasons.
1. We don't want the group to be comprised of entirely transfers. Not only does this create a gap between previous ARPG players and those new to the ARPG community, it lays the groundwork for a group built on hate and spite from other groups, and I really want to avoid that to the best of my abilities.
2. Transfers are a lot of work. Making the templates is easy, but most transfers require making new upgrades specifically for that transfer. I don't mind adding new upgrades to the group, hell yeah, but doing the upgrade artwork down the line is... work lol.

• All transfers, stump or adult, have a mechanical age of zero (0).
Similar to the first bullet, this is to keep the game fair to everyone who plays, regardless if they pay money or not. Transferring a character does not give you a foot up on other players.
• Only EARNED elemental magics can be transferred with a character.
This means Air (or Wind), Water, Earth, and Fire. The complex magics are what make Staves Rest unique, we don't want anyone avoiding the learning of these magics. Again, this is to keep things fair.
Magic can only be transferred to adults AND you must provide some sort of proof that this magic was earned! (ie. a masterlist entry, a comment on a character's reference, etc!)
• All transfers have a cap of 10 upgrades, only 1 of which can be a Pearl-level upgrade OR mutation.
This is to prevent transfers from outweighing breeding. We don't want rare upgrades to predominantly come from transfers, rather than being obtained in-game. It doesn't feel fair for free-to-play players!
Baby upgrades are free and do NOT count towards your 10 upgrade limit.
Transfer specifics...
OCs are automatically categorized as adults.
To transfer them as a stump, you'll need a Premium Passport. (see below) -
Closed species with no sort of baby stage are automatically categorized as adults.
To transfer them as a stump, you'll need a Premium Passport. (see below) -
Characters with innate magic (ie. natural magic/magic that came with them) may be transferred with a magic quirk, but will not be official in the element.
• There are two tiers of transfers., which we will discuss now!
Basic vs Premium Transfers
Basic Transfers
• Allows for "Baby to Stump" transfers.
• Allows for "Adult to Adult" transfers.
Premium Transfers
• Allows for "Adult to Stump" transfers.
​What's the point of this distinction??
Once again, this is meant to keep the game fair to all players.
Upgrade-heavy babies are often highly valued and sought after in these types of ARPGs, this is to avoid an excess of upgrade-heavy babies.
Requesting a Transfer
1.) Use the #transfer-requests channel on our Discord!
You'll need to fill out the form you find in the channel.​
This includes your characters approval (if applicable), their current reference, any key details we should know, and the list of upgrades you want them to have.
Remember, no more than 10 and only 1 can be a Pearl upgrade OR mutation!
Baby upgrades are FREE and do not count towards your 10 upgrade limit.
The reference needs to be a current OR previous design in the previous group they were in. Future concepts are not allowed to be transferred.
2.) Next, wait until you're tagged in #transfer-templates with your new transfer template!
Your template will have a list of your transfer's upgrades and their color palette!
If they had any additional "upgrades" (ie. Gigantism, Albinism, etc) or magic transferred with them, it will be listed when you are tagged!
If there are any mistakes on your transfer, tag @mothfeets in #moderation!
Yellow templates are stumps, red templates are adults!
(These images are outdated, sorry lol)

3.) Draw your new staxie!
Draw them with all the same colors and placements that the reference image on the right has. These should not change or move!
You must use all the upgrades listed, you can remove them later!
Not all upgrades transfer perfectly, so make sure to look at the upgrade art rather than the image on the right!

Posting Your Transfer Approval!

Upload the approval to deviantART and fill this form out in the description:
Name: [does NOT need to match their old name]
Sex: [does NOT need to match their old sex]
Nose Type: [round nose or snout]
Mouth Type: [jagged, smooth, or kibby]
Creation: TRANSFER
Upgrades: [the ones listed on your template!]
Misc: [gigantism/albinism/etc OR n/a]
If your transfer is an adult, don't forget to add these to the description as well:
Magic Gland Placement: [you pick! check out the Grow-up Guide if you don't know what this is!]
Stance: [biped/quad]
Transfer FAQ
What upgrades DON'T transfer?
Stumps can transfer with Colored Tongue, however it only colors the inside of their mouth as the tongue must remain black until they've grown up!
I transferred a character from X group into here, what happens to my character in the other group?
Simply put, we do not have moderation over what you do outside this group, and in this case, we honestly don't care! You're free to use your character however you want outside of this group.
What if my characters has upgrades that aren't in staxies?
Depending on the upgrade, we will ping you in moderation.
Usually, an upgrade comparable to the character's previous form will be given. In other cases, new upgrades will be made for your character and then released to the group.
My character was X subspecies in my old ARPG, now what?
Again, this depends on what we are dealing with! A subspecies may have given your character mutations (gigantism, for example) or it may have given them unique upgrades. Either way, these are both options for your character to be transferred with!
Please feel free to ask #questions concerning transfers!